Hitler Youth HJ boy, Pimpf mass figure, height approx 17 cm, sitting extremely rare Allach Mass figure of a Hitler Youth boy, height approx 17cm, without manufacturer mark. In the last years of the war a total of 6 of these Hitler Youth figures were manu
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Hitler Youth HJ boy, Pimpf mass figure, height approx 17 cm, sitting extremely rare Allach Mass figure of a Hitler Youth boy, height approx 17cm, without manufacturer mark. In the last years of the war a total of 6 of these Hitler Youth figures were manu
Hitler Youth HJ boy, Pimpf mass figure, height approx 17 cm, sitting extremely rare Allach
Mass figure of a Hitler Youth boy, height approx 17cm, without manufacturer mark.
In the last years of the war a total of 6 of these Hitler Youth figures were manufactured by Allach from a kind of mass on a trial basis as a template for later porcelain production. Because of the end of the war, it never came to manufacture as a porcelain figure.
In total there are groups of figures consisting of 6 figures sitting around a campfire.
Some of these figures are privately owned because the group of figures was dismantled at the time. Only one complete group is known. This is a figure, HJ Pimpf, sitting with his arms around his knees and looking into the campfire.
This mass figure is one of the few known specimens and is therefore extremely rare. We cannot say what kind of mass this figure is made of, but it is not the type of material that was otherwise used in the production of mass figures.
The figure is basically still in good condition, few flakes, the mass is firm and nothing is loose.
Weight of the figure approx 780 g, height approx 17 cm, width approx 20 cm,