Artillery fire control device / fire control device AFCA - 2 130 mm Gun M-46 with accessories in the case.
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Artillery fire control device / fire control device AFCA - 2 130 mm Gun M-46 with accessories in the case.
Artillery fire control device / fire control device AFCA - 2 130 mm Gun M-46 with accessories in the case.
Use: Determination of the topographical settings for shooting, determination of the calculated settings for shooting on the basis of full preparation or according to the sighting values of sighting points and the information for target assignment, determination of the calculated settings for shooting on the basis of full preparation or according to the sighting-in values of sighting-in points as well as the information for target allocation, entering the position or course of the target, evaluating the incision results from the B-points of the
coupled observation, graphic evaluation of the survey, facilitating the calculation when solving other tasks of artillery firing training.