Extremely rare large printing plate for Wehrmacht nautical charts, large fish bay to Guano Huk, Africa 106 x 74 cm
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Extremely rare large printing plate for Wehrmacht nautical charts, large fish bay to Guano Huk, Africa 106 x 74 cm
Extremely rare large printing plate for Wehrmacht nautical charts, large fish bay to Guano Huk, Africa 106 x 74 cm
Map status 1915, print template for Wehrmacht nautical charts in the Great Bay of Fishes to Guano Huk, Africa, plate thickness approx. 5-7 mm, weight approx. 12 kg, scale 1: 300,000
Below the imperial eagle inscription South Atlantic Ocean, West Coast of Africa, Great Fish Bay to Guano Huk, scale 1: 300,000. Map with heights and depths, back of the printing plate with corresponding verdigris as usual with copper. The map hung on the wall of the previous owner for decoration.
Width about 74 cm, height about 106 cm
Light reflections come from photography and are not really available
We have never seen such a pressure plate before.