Helmet and cuirass for officers of the Prussian cuirassier regiments, around 1900 for children
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Helmet and cuirass for officers of the Prussian cuirassier regiments, around 1900 for children
Helmet and cuirass for officers of the Prussian cuirassier regiments, around 1900 for children
Children's armor helmet and cuirass for officers of the Prussian cuirassier regiments, around 1900
At that time, the children of officers had themselves photographed with their fathers in uniforms.
This cuirass was made for a child for this purpose. The cuirass and the helmet show signs of wear because the cuirass and helmet were probably played with. Both are covered with wax for storage and protection against damage.
The helmet eagle is slightly damaged on the back of the foot, the leather of the cuirass is soft, a rivet on the leather strap was once replaced with a screw.
Height of the cuirass approx. 30 cm, width approx. 27 cm
Helmet height approx. 23 cm, helmet length approx. 28 cm, helmet width approx. 16 cm