US Army 1958 Attachment device for theodolite observation device of the field artillery TM 5-9423
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US Army 1958 Attachment device for theodolite observation device of the field artillery TM 5-9423
US Army 1958 Attachment device for theodolite observation device of the field artillery TM 5-9423
he is an accessory for transits or theodolit for use rapid dtermination of azimuth to establish the local meridian or a common origin of directions , so as to simply and expedite the conservation of field artillery survey and fire control data from independent grids to a common grid
US Army 1958 Attachment device for theodolite observation device of the field artillery TM 5-9423
Optics incl. 4 adapter rings for 8 different optics from well-known manufacturers such as Brunson, K&E, Gurley, White Berger and the Swiss optics manufacturer Wild. Complete with the adapter rings, 2 fixings and the actual optics. Still in very good condition in a transport box. Manufacturer: K.C. Brunson MO. Serial number 58498 stamped 1958 and U.S for US Army. Mechanical function checked OK
It is an accessory for transits or theodolites to quickly determine the azimuth, to determine the local meridian or a common directional origin, to simplify and accelerate the storage of field artillery survey and fire control data. With operation and maintenance instructions, illustrated.