Ww2 enemy is listening! Wehrmacht transport box VL. K. (Fbg. Bf) with cable drum for the telephony device bf
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Ww2 enemy is listening! Wehrmacht transport box VL. K. (Fbg. Bf) with cable drum for the telephony device bf
Ww2 enemy is listening! Wehrmacht transport box VL. K. (Fbg. Bf) with cable drum for the telephony device bf
Container VL. K. (Fbg. Bf) with 50 m long, four-core connecting cable on a drum
The remote discussion device bf is used for remote discussions between backpack radios b1, c and f
from a distance of up to 100 m.
The Vb.K. The drum with the connecting cable has the caller in the inner drum body, who closes and opens a call contact several times when the button is pressed down and released, as well as the alternating current rattle. Connection cable reel for the telecommunication device bf in the transport box from the German Wehrmacht from the time of the Second World War, housing dated 1943, cable reel dated 1941 not restored and 100% original with the associated original telecommunication wire, this covered with waxed linen as insulation. The paint on the back of the drum is somewhat flaky.
Connecting drum on the front with “Tester” sign on the test button, this fully mechanically functional. Connection sockets for "microphone" and "remote receiver", these are labeled accordingly. Absolute specialty: aluminum sign "Feind is listening!" Also riveted on the front.
There were 2 versions of this drum. This version is the central drum, which is why it has the sign “Enemy is listening!”.
Felt insert in the transport box as well as a mandrel to fix the cable drum during transport, carrying strap made of sturdy linen, this slightly damaged in one place.