Service dagger with the group stamp SA for Saxony, early production 1935-36.
The dagger is unopened, so the head screw is undamaged.
SA/ NSKK dagger in untouched condition. The manufacturer on the blade is Malsch & Ambronn Steinbach.
Manufacturer deeply etched with completely intact black, lower cross guard with the group stamp Sa for Saxony.
Beautiful brown wooden handle, the national eagle in the handle in nickel silver design together with the enameled SA emblem untouched and originally seated inside the handle.
Cross guards and scabbard fittings made of nickel silver.
The blade still has the original polishing marks of the sword sweeper and is finished with the deep, rich and dark SA motto "Everything for Germany" on the front.
The back has the manufacturer's logo: Malsch & Ambronn Steinbach. The blade fits perfectly into the scabbard, with the smooth resistance that early daggers have. The scabbard is made of iron with both corresponding nickel silver fittings, slightly stained and the original varnish. A rare dagger from this manufacturer with the original leather hanger, dagger with patina in uncleaned and untouched condition
For sale from 18 years, proof of age